Privacy Policy

Your data is incredibly important to you and to us.

Pinocchio uses and stores your data for fulfilling a contract with you to manage your event or private dining, and/or for marketing with your consent. You may withdraw consent for marketing at any time.

What do we collect?

To enable us to manage your reservation we will ask you to provide personal details such as: name, email address, address, payment details and guest names. For marketing we collect: name and email address.

What do we do with your data?

Pinocchio’s will never pass or sell your data outside the Group of companies except where a third party requires the data to provide communications as part of our normal service. We use cookies on our website – partly to provide basic web services and partly to help us monitor and track website usage through Google Analytics. If you decide you can choose to “Opt In” to marketing information to hear more about our new openings, events and seasonal offers.

Your Rights

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified or removed – if you would like to do so please contact us on [email protected]. You have the right to stop marketing at any time. You can just click Unsubscribe on any email you are sent or let us know at any time by sending an email to [email protected].

How secure is your data?

The team here at Pinocchio’s employs a wide variety of security measures to back up, protect and manage your data. We undertake to secure your data as much as possible using up to date technology and robust policies and processes.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may from time to time review and update this privacy policy. Any changes we may make to our privacy policy will be posted on the Site and, where appropriate. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy, as continued use of the Site shall indicate your acceptance of any such changes. All personal information held by us will be governed by the most recent privacy policy posted on the Site.

The Company

Donatello, Pinocchio & Street Thai are the trading names of Pietro Addis & Sons Limited, company registered in England and Wales with registered number 895683 and registered office at 19 New Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1EY.